Monday, January 5, 2009

The New Year

So far this year is off to a rocky start. I didn't celebrate the New Year like I had hoped but that is ok. I have come to realize that it isn't about the party scene or having fairy tale type of expectations of what New Years eve should be like. I can say that I am so grateful to be healthy and in love. I was without my children and that hurt more than I can describe but I made it through.

Mike, Eric and I packed up his apartment to head to California and things went very well. We took our time and loaded the uhaul trailer and then went to dinner with some friends and relaxed. Friday I got to spend the day with Teresa which was very nice because we got to get to know each other even more. I am so happy to have found a wonderful man who loves me unconditionally.

As we are driving from WA to CA I get a phone call from my ex who says we really need to talk about the current situation. So what do I do go into the defensive mode and then calm down to try and rationally talk about what the issues are. Well needless to say I am the bad guy and I don't communicate with my children and they should be more important. I try to keep my temper in check. As the conversation ends I have said a few prayers and know that we will all get through this change.

My life has started over and now I am so very happy with the person I love and all that needs to happen is for my children to come home and all of us grow together in God and live better lives.

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