Monday, November 17, 2008

It's Monday

So just when I think things are going good I get hit with an email saying my son doesn't want to visit Moms any more. Wow didn't expect that one. I guess I am not cool anymore and I don't do enough guy stuff. I know that divorce is hard on kids and I am doing my best to keep the peace and play nice. I remember what it was like when I grew up and faced it twice with my Mom. I just don't understand why people cannot move on.

My ex is hard to understand sometimes we discuss things and then I get jabs back after it was his idea. Why am I the one who gets the blamed, when in all reality there isn't one person to blame. A failed relationship was due to two people not one.

I am trying to make it through my work day and keep it together after the weekend I had. Now this drama today , will it ever end? Somedays I dream of walking away from it all or wish that something would happen to just take me away this way everyone can live their life and move on.

1 comment:

Frankies Queen said...

Hang in there Honey ~ I LOVE you and am here for you even though I am slammed at work! The kids will bounce back, Harry is manipulating the situation with them, don't forget that! They will always love you and your relationship will survive and come out better than ever when its all over with!