Tuesday, March 17, 2009

With today being St. Patty's Day we should all be a little green with something. I am green with love today. I forsee a future of happiness in areas where there is a lot of green. Yes, we all go through times of our lives when its seems very dark but the challenge is getting through it with a smile and learning lessons along the way. We are all given challenges but its how we react to those challenges that make the difference. People are able to make a difference in their life along with making a difference in others. Instead of judging looks at it from a different perspective and see if you can help or give encouragement. Sometimes others just need to have someone listen. I know myself that I am bad about this at times.

I sit here humbled because the last 24 hours has been incredibly hard and trying to be honest and listening to what the other person has to say is very hard without jumping to conclusions. If we stop and put ourselves in their shoes then life seems a little different. I do not have the answers but God does and once we realize that he has to be in charge then life becomes normal again. I know that I have a good man and two beautiful children that I adore. These past couple of months have been very hard but it could be much worse so I am grateful for everything that God has given me.

I am blessed to have friends and family that support me and are always there for me no matter what. Life is good and the grass is greener with God.

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